Testes PCR feitos para porcos

Um relato de antigos funcionários de um mega laboratório de testes PCR no Reino Unido deixa tudo cristalino. Isto é um relato de um país onde há alguma, pouca, supervisão dos laboratórios. Em Portugal nem sequer precisam de licença para abrir um quanto mais supervisão. Imaginem o circo que são os resutaldos em Portugal

PCR test error rate ~30%. Beth says: “I don’t know the percentage error at the moment, but when I was there I think it was a 30% error rate. That’s fairly high, but you have to remember that, in normal science, you do everything at least three times, whereas there you have one go at it. I do PCR tests a lot, and the threshold would usually be pretty high. But, in this circumstance it was low (i.e., high Cts) because they wanted to account for any detection of the virus. There are a lot of factors that can influence a test and I think when you do a test you should take it with a pinch of salt. You should definitely question a negative result if you know you have symptoms.” With high Cts to pick up any viral fragments you should also question a positive result, even with retesting.

Percentagens de 30% dos TESTES TOTAIS são falsos postivos. Não é de resultados positivos, é mesmo de testes totais. Ou seja, uma especificidade em redor de 70%! Ou seja: Absolutamente inúteis em rastreio sem contra prova. Um circo.


Threshold for detection was low (i.e., high Cts) as they wanted to account for the detection of any virus. This means the detection of signals in the samples being defined as positive when in fact they could be artefactual or due to cross-contamination between samples, or even picking up contaminants in the facility environment including personnel i.e., false positives.

Intencionalmente fazem elevado número de ciclos para caçar tudo o que é gambozino. Com 30% de erro e elevado número de ciclos, asseguram que há circo durante meses, anos.


Inside a coronavirus test lab
