Long covid: aldrabice

Long covid: aldrabice

Dados da ONS inglesa. A prevalência dos “sintomas” da long covid é equivalente à prevalência dos “sintomas” em grupo de controlo. 5 e 3%. Ou seja, não há coisa nenhuma além de meia dúzia de chicos espertos. 11% de espertalhões que “têm”.

Agora podiam fazer o mesmo com a doença da moda….. com os sintomas de gripe, os 90% sem sintomas…….

Prevalence of any symptom at a point in time after infection. Among study participants with COVID-19, 5.0% reported any of 12 common symptoms 12 to 16 weeks after infection; however, prevalence was 3.4% in a control group of participants without a positive test for COVID-19, demonstrating the relative commonness of these symptoms in the population at any given time.

An estimated 11.7% of study participants with COVID-19 would describe themselves as experiencing long COVID

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